About Me

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NLPLady,CHt. is a Certified Life Coach, NLP Master Practitioner, NLP Hypnotist, Freelance Writer for Therealstrategy.com. She received her certifications from Bennett-Stellar University, and continued her training at the Association for Research and Enlightenment (ARE). NLP Lady has studied directly under Richard Bandler, the genius creator of the NLP Process. Personal message: "I believe strongly that there is a connection between body, mind and soul. Being deeply spiritual, a connection with the Creator is the first priority in my life."

Saturday, July 30, 2011

Free-lancing - A Way to Give Back

The true artist writes in response to a yearning that comes from deep inside their heart and soul. If your writing becomes only a method to turn a profit, it might be time to expand your horizons. Every writer needs an outlet where they can express their true creativity and contribute something significant and meaningful.

If you were to ask yourself why you write, it is doubtful you would say that you do it in the hopes of becoming wealthy. We all have finances to consider, but you can find a balance between producing quality work to make a living and writing to make a difference. The common misconception is that you can only do one or the other, but the reality is that you can do both. When you weigh your options as to where you can best use your God given talent, consider these possibilities:

Write for a Non-Profit Organization

Find a cause that touches your heart and nourishes your spirit. Volunteer your services to a charitable institution, a church or a school. You can help with newsletters, websites and blogs, while also offering to give of your services in other ways. Make yourself available to do office tasks, computer work, or teach classes in your free time. When you put the needs of others before your own, good things will come to you.

Write for Blogs

Even though writing for a blog pays little to nothing, this venue allows you to lend your voice to a cause and speak out about something significant. There are many popular blogs looking for writers, and some of them will pay you according to how much traffic you bring in. The great big plus is that you get to choose the subject of your article. Although writing about insurance, plumbing, the stock market, or interviewing celebrities can turn a profit, blogging about issues that speak to your soul yield more significant rewards.

Create Your Own Blog

You can create a blog about absolutely anything that inspires your imagination. From writing, to reading, to everyday life – there are blogs for virtually everything. You can share a personal blog with close family and friends, or create a public weblog for all to enjoy. The world is your sounding board, so do your best to make your voice heard. How often do you get to tell your story about how you became a vegetarian, lost a pet, found religion or fell in love for the first time?

Advertise your articles

Post a link to your articles on Facebook and Twitter to find an audience. Interesting and meaningful commentary will spread fast when people repost what you have written. There is always a chance that your article may be seen by the right person, and lead to a paying job. One other way of making a profit from your blog is by allowing advertisements to be placed on your page. You get paid by clicks, so it couldn’t be easier.

Guest Blog

Write an article as a guest on someone else’s blog. This will give you a wider audience and get your blog out there. Also, invite other bloggers that have important and profound things to say to guest write on your blog. As you are drawing a larger audience, your message is reaching more people that might benefit from your literary thoughts.

A pay check is great, and we all need our profitable projects and assignments. The objective of freelancing as a career is to support yourself and your family by doing what you love best. But, being paid is an option that you can choose to forgo. After all is said and done, a writer just wants to write for the pure pleasure of putting a pen to paper and creatively expressing thoughts and ideas. The paying assignments will be there when you need them, Open yourself up to the freedom of free!

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